Critical, creative and digital writingEcriture critique, créative et numérique

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04 06 2014  

04 June

1123 – James Price Point

I feel exhilarated! I've done it! My first 4WD dirt-track bush expedition. It was exciting driving on this road, feeling like the last person on the planet. I have reached James Price Point, a beautiful place with a nice beach and red hills surrounding it. It's windy, but it feels good. What I particularly appreciate is the quietness and the solitude this place provides me with. No voice but the ebb and flow of the Indian Ocean, my breathing and sighs and hums, and the buzzing and annoying presence of half a dozen flies. Should I go into the water? It is tempting to quickly wet my body. I've got to be careful not to get taken away by a rip, nor get stung by stingers. Okay, I'll do it quickly now. … I'm back. Alive. I feel a bit silly. But water scares me. It's not my usual environment. And I don't want to risk being stung or harmed when I'm on my own. My survival instinct is clearly hyper-developed. Or perhaps I'm a bit of a scaredy cat.