Critical, creative and digital writingEcriture critique, créative et numérique

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17 11 2013  

An argument with absence

I am in love In love with an absence I am in pain In pain from an absence The absence of your presence And yet I feel the need To conjure you You who dwell In my memories You who are the shadow Of my past Who haunt me Whispering words Of joy and bliss Being in love with an Is to embrace solitude To make its Presence Your new lover [frustration] Summoning memories Reminiscing Remembering The rubbing of skins Feeling on the Tip Of my fingers Your contours Your warmth Filling the hole In my heart By feeling the whole Of my heart With words And yet I know my Conjuring you Is vain In the end For you dwell in my Memories Only Whispering words of Joy And bliss And I write back Words of pain And sorrow I cannot win this Argument With Absence.