Critical, creative and digital writingEcriture critique, créative et numérique

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04 03 2014  


Come to me! It seems to say. Approach me, Yet stay away! The text is there And I am here. Meaning and truth? Lies that delude! Come to me! The text says, But not too close Or you will stray. We do forget The power to see, To see the work As potentiality. We do abuse Of our ability To see the work As one reality. Come to me! It seems to say, But I refuse, I stay away. I acknowledge I'm in situ. It doesn't mean I can't see true. But I refuse On it to project. I'd rather speak, Listen, debate. I'll go to you, Do not worry, But don't forget That I too can see. I am not blind To your deceit. I see right through What is concrete. I'll go to you And blend with you, But I'll remain My own true self. My approach Is naught but fraught With just concern For both our ways. This will remain Until I'm dead. Or so I think And hope and pray.