Critical, creative and digital writingEcriture critique, créative et numérique

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11 10 2013  


Lost in the middle of a sea Of love, of pain, of waves of heat, Swept by the current of this life, I dream of you, of us, of home And yet I cannot breathe anymore, For I drown in my own nightmare. Gusts of winds are dancing with me, Whispering lies and truths about now, And here, and there, and then. I use their spirit to write in invisible ink The rite of love, my right to love And rise in my own fictional world. Caged in a whirlpool of leaves, So green, so brown, so swirling wild, I feel distance closing in on me. As I draw in the meaning of their sap, I feel but one not with the land, But with all these surroundings hands. The heat wave strikes and imprisons Beings like me, the leaves, and you, the wind, Into pervasive structures of thoughts That may just last or wither away. The heat wave is my life of immanence Now, so better accept its warming touch. Lost in the middle of a sea Of love, of pain, of waves of heat, Swept by the current of this life, I dream of you, of us, of home And yet I cannot breathe anymore, For I drown in my own nightmare.