Critical, creative and digital writingEcriture critique, créative et numérique

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"Ineffable" is about the impossibility for my words, lines, stanzas and poems--as I envision them at least--to "mean" definitely. These units of meaning, each and every one of them, are made so that they fly away from my intended meaning as soon as they are uttered. AnimationsBy hovering the pointer over the lines, lines of meaning will enact the semantic flight from my home intention.
12 2015  


The sounds of life escape my control

and fly away each time I breathe.

My words are fallen leaves

that my voice then blows to liberty.

This ineffable quality of sound--

that it would resist fixation--

is but the stuff of life though it gives frustration.

My thoughts have now become clouds of meaning

whose residual essence has become the firmament

that my leaves aspire to as I respire.

In this aerial dance, lines have formed a flag

and my stream of thoughts has taken up with the wind