Critical, creative and digital writingEcriture critique, créative et numérique

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04 04 2020  

Lonely Springs

Let a drop of life take me to the surface of death for earth is the kingdom unto which eternities come to die Out here the intangible forces dance and dance and laugh at our weak and desolate cities while the unknowing clap and the all-knowing sleep. Let the dead pollute our streets Let the living mourn and grieve but spare me your lessons about a reformed humanity Out here the invisible enemies do exist: We are the enemies waging war to ourselves Our cities aslumber, our roads abandoned Modernity has caught up and we have given up The nonliving within is indeed our greatest foe for the symbiont loves us so. Where do we begin the end of the road? When do we stop setting out to know? No answers here to hand out to you Only the germs of lonely springs to spew.